September 25 2014


King Solomon was given a Lapis Lazuli ring by an angel to control demons. Egyptians highly regarded Lapis, saying it was the stone of Gods for two reasons: it reminded them of the heavens, but it also improved eyesight, when worn as an Eye of Horus amulet, or powdered around the eyes. In “The Book of the Dead” it is stated that Lapis cut in the shape of an eye, and set in silver is a powerful amulet.

Magic is the birthplace of this stone that seems to provide all who carry it luck that otherwise would not have been. This stone is one of transformation and with its beauty it does indeed seem like magic. In truth this stone is able to help the wearer perceive that which was once hidden and transmute easily and effortlessly the inner thoughts that were once blocking ones desired success.

This stone carries with it the energy of the dragon because of the transmutation magic qualities and ethereal connection to other realms. It provides grounding while remaining open to users who choose to visit these realms. It always ensure they will come back from their journey so as long as the user desires it.

Flecks of silver-gold line this deep blue stone reminding us of the night sky magic of old that still comes alive today in each place far from man kinds daily touch. In those deep quiet recesses of the planet you will find that Lapis Lazuli will teach you the ancient arts of past while providing firm grounding in the present world.

The stone guides you to bring it to any nature spot that will not be disturbed so it can being its work with you.Lapis Lazuli has strong ties to both royalty and the Gods and Goddesses of various societies.